Indoor Growing

Nutrient and feeding

Nutrient and feeding

Of course, the primary cause of any significant irregularities in soil pH comes from the nutrients that you apply. Unlike standard dirt, soil for growing marijuana should be infused with nutrients.

Sometimes, you can produce an adequate amount of nutrients just by combining certain fertilizers. But, in many cases, you will β€œwater in” the nutrients using a solution.

1. Nutrient solution

Of course, if you accidentally include too many nutrients, you could wind up making the soil toxic (and then you will have to flush it out to fix it). Your water should have the proper pH as well. Professional growers use water with a pH of around 6.

Essentials In any event, all plants need nutrients to thrive, and providing them with those nutrients can ensure that your work pays off in the end. We have already mentioned β€œNPK” (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) as the three major nutrients for marijuana growers.

Other essential chemicals for the cannabis plant include Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), and Sulfur (S).

During vegetative growth, the fertilizing solution should have a concentration of N that is higher than or equal to both P and K.

Again, you can use fertilizer if you want, however, it should be mixed in with the soil before beginning the growth process. I’ve created a feeding schedule.

Feeding solutionsΒ 

There are also solutions that can be used for β€œfeeding” the plant instead of mixing it into the soil; but keep in mind the fact that the plant won’t need to be fed that frequently. In fact, you only need to feed it about once every week.

if everything is going well. Note: you should never give your plants undiluted nutrients. Marijuana plants β€œburn” easily from full-strength nutrients. Instead, dilute the solution to around 50% so that you don’t have to use a soil flush later.

In general, you might not be able to notice whether or not your plants are fully absorbing the nutrients. In fact, in most cases, the nutrient uptake will be the least of your worries. As long as the soil is good and you continue to use the same regimen, you should be all right.

2.Β Nutrient deficiencies

Β Many growers keep several diluted solutions on hand to make growing just a little bit easier. One of those should be an NPK solution where N has the most prominent concentration. This should be used for vegetative growth.Β 

Another should be an NPK solution in which the P has the highest concentration (used for the flowering stage). You can also keep a couple of bottles of diluted micronutrient solution if your plants need extra help along the way.

Nutrient deficiencies can damage your marijuana plants and seriously decrease the yield. I have developed my own fertilizer set which has all the nutrients your marijuana plants need!

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