Indoor Growing

Indoor vegetative growth

Indoor vegetative growth

Once the marijuana plant progresses out of the seedling stage, it will enter the vegetative growth period. During this time, the growth rate will increase by leaps and bounds, with more leaves and branches appearing. The seedlings will also finally start looking like actual marijuana plants.


Marijuana plants that were germinated in small pots will need to be transplanted to larger ones as soon as the vegetative growth starts kicking in. If the containers are too small for the plants, they can quickly become rootbound and begin to lose vigor (or even die). The key is, of course, to transplant them before that happens.

Of course, the transplanting process should be treated with a lot of care because transplant shock is common. You can avoid transplant shock if you treat the process with extreme caution. Before you do anything, make sure the soil is moist so that nothing will be jarred out of place

Then, insert a spade (or even a large spoon) into the soil about 1 inch away from the plant’s stem. Make sure that you don’t damage the roots and that you take out a large enough clump to do the transplant. You should have a previously prepared hole in the new soil. It should be dug in such a way that the seedling will be at the same height.

Place the plant into the hole and cover it as best as you can with the new soil. Then moisten the soil so that the transplant and the host soil meld nicely together.

If you do this carefully and correctly, you won’t have to worry about the plants suffering from any transplant shock, and they will continue to grow like normal. I transplant my plants when the first root tips grow out the bottom of the pot. Read more about when and how to transplant marijuana plants.

Vegetative Growth Techniques

From this point on, the plants will primarily live out their lives in vegetative growth. It is important to make sure that you provide them with all the proper environmental conditions during this stage to promote growth, higher yields, and potency. One of the benefits of growing marijuana indoors is that you can manipulate the conditions exactly as you see fit without having to worry about environmental factors.

  • Squeeze pot and hold upside down
  • Beware of becoming rootbound
  • Rootbound
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