Sativa Cannabis Seeds

Recognized for their tall stature, sativa cannabis seeds offer bountiful yields. A diverse selection of flavors, scents, and effects are available for your exploration. Browse our sativa seed collection.

21 products

Explore the Advantages of Our Premier Sativa Varieties

These varieties excel in the ideal setting. With ample space in your grow room or garden, you can maximize these towering and robust strains.

Their tall and slender structure, passed down from their landrace ancestors, enables them to reach heights of 3m and beyond. Due to their expansive canopies, you'll gather a substantial yield at the end of the growing season.

Exploring the Roots of Sativa Strains

Cannabis varieties trace their roots back to a common ancestor in Central Asia, acquiring diverse characteristics via breeding and natural selection.

Numerous narrow-leaf sativa strains developed in South Africa, Europe, Mesoamerica, and Southeast Asia. Some of the most renowned examples of sativa genetics are Colombian Gold and Thai.

The Origins of Our Sativa Strains

Our top sativa strains are meticulously developed using premium genetics. Varieties like Durban Haze, Durban Poison, White Widow, and Bubblegum have led to the creation of highly dependable and productive cultivars.