The best weed strains for a euphoric high

While some individuals utilize cannabis for its medicinal benefits, an equal number use weed for euphoric effects, especially following challenging times.

  • What are the benefits of euphoric weed strains?

    Feelings of euphoria can help medical patients and wellness consumers alleviate depression and anxiety, enhance creativity, connect with others, or just spark up to play video games. A positive, euphoric state of mind helps us move through life with more open minds and hearts to those around us, and a better appreciation for what we have.

  • What does a euphoric high feel like?

    A euphoric high turns everything up a notch: colors are brighter, jokes are funnier, and worries feel far away. Euphoric highs also tend to come with bursts of energy, although some prefer a mellower euphoria in bed or on the couch. There may also be some tingles.

  • Are sativa strains more euphoric than indica strains?

    At first glance, euphoria might seem like a sativa-only characteristic. While euphoria is certainly a cerebral, emotional feeling, it doesn’t only come from sativa, or heady, strains.